Tuesday, July 28, 2009

WINNER! Day 1: Going Away Giveaway

I LOVE my readers! Y'all came out of the woodworks yesterday to comment on my blog. I know it sounds crazy, but every time that I got an email telling me I had a new comment, I got all giddy inside. I wish I had unlimited funds so that I could give something to EVERYONE. Sadly, I don't.

And now...what you've been waiting for. I used random.org---and had two witnesses---and the lucky winner of the Chick-fil-A $20 Giftcard is commenter #9...

Commenter #9....WHITNEY! So excited for you, sweet friend!

I may not be able to do this for all the winners, but since I know Whitney, let me tell you how incredible she is. Really, beautiful on the inside and out! We met when I was in college, but sadly didn't hang out very much. We had quite a few mutual friends so I was always hearing wonderful things about her though. I got the chance to see what everyone was talking about when we led a group of 11th grade girls at a Disciple Now weekend in Trussville. She was everything they said and more. Incredibly mature and wise beyond her years. I was so glad when I came across her blog earlier this year. We've been able to reconnect and share and pray for each other. Isn't God good??

Please check her blog out! She and her husband are both getting ready to move and will be starting Seminary in the fall. She's a great example of someone who has chased after the Lord. I'm blessed to have her in my life!

Giveaway one is in over...but if you didn't win, don't be sad. There are FOUR more to go! If you haven't registered for Day 2, you have until NOON TOMORROW.

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