Sunday, November 15, 2009

Doing Life

When I moved to Atlanta in May of 2007, I was introduced to a term that I quickly added to my vocabulary. The phrase was doing life.

Andy Stanley, the senior pastor of Buckhead Church would often ask "who are you doing life with?" He encouraged the church to actively invest in the lives of others and ever since I have found myself looking to do just that.

I have been blessed with some incredible people to do life with. Family. Friends. Coworkers.

Over the past few weeks, I have been pretty absent from the blog. Not because I don't have things going on in my life...but because I've been so busy doing life with others.

The move to Birmingham a few months ago brought about something I had never really thought about...relationships. Lots and lots of new relationships...relationships in addition to the ones that I formed in Atlanta.

The move brought more families...more girls...middle schoolers. I am loving the new relationships. It's an absolute blessing to be able to do life with so many...but relationships take time, energy and effort. So, by the time I get a few free moments to blog, I find that I'm exhausted---physically and emotionally. I can't even put two sentences together.

As much as I miss the frequent blogging, I can honestly say that I know my time is being used for something incredibly important. I'm going to try to get better at posting more frequently, but if you don't hear from me, just know that I'm using the time to invest. To dig deep. To cultivate relationships. To do life.

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