Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, SB!

While not a dedicated commenter, I know for a fact that I have a dedicated reader of this here blog. Sarah Beth is in law school and likes to take study breaks for blog reading. So, whenever I let too much time pass between posts---which is pretty common these days---she says something.

Well, she didn't ask for this post, but she is getting it anyway. You see, today is her birthday!! And not just any birthday, the big 2-3. You know, the year where people finally start to respect your opinion a little bit. It's a big one.

Since she's dedicated to studying for law school pretty much all the time, it's hard to see her much these days...so I knew that I needed to find a way to see her on her special day. I made plans a few weeks ago to get down there...nothing like a trip to the dentist. :) The dental visit was totally worth it to get to see SB on her birthday. There's just something about getting to see someone on their special day and getting to see them open their gift....I like to see people's reactions, so mailing gifts is not something that I really enjoy.

The big celebration will come on Friday night...pretty much the only time that she can be convinced to put away the books. I'm sure we will have a great time...as we should because she's an incredible gal.

Happy Happy Birthday, sweet friend!! I've been blessed a thousand times over by your friendship and can hardly wait to party it up with you on Friday!

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